Steroid Raw Testosterone Cypionate Powder

Steroid Raw Testosterone Cypionate Powder

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15 January 2018
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Product Description

Steroid Raw Testosterone Cypionate Powder
keywords:Testosterone Cypionate, anabolic steroid,steroid supplier, raw steroid powder

Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate CAS NO.: 58-20-8
Testosterone Cypionate Molecular Formula: C27H40O3
Testosterone Cypionate Molecular Weight: 412.61
Testosterone Cypionate Description: white or off-white crystalline powder
Testosterone Cypionate Specification: USP28

Steroid Powders >> Testosterone >> Testosterone Cypionate Powder
Testosterone Cypionate Raw Steroid Powder 99.20%
Our testosterone cypionate purity is 99.20%. Testosterone cypionate is a synthetic version of the naturally produced testosterone hormone. Testosterone cypionate is a long acting, single ester testosterone - a very good choice for the first time steroid user.

Data of Testosterone Cypionate powder
Testosterone Cypionate Alias: Testosterone Cyclopentylpropionate; test cyp; Test Cypionate.
Testosterone Cypionate M.F.: C27H40O3
Testosterone Cypionate M.W.: 412.6
Testosterone Cypionate CAS ID: 58-20-8
Testosterone Cypionate Purity: 99.2% by HPLC.
Testosterone Cypionate Melting point: 101-102°C.
Testosterone Cypionate Appearance: White powder.

Testosterone Cypionate is very similar to tesosterone enanthate.
Testosterone cypionate is very similar to tesosterone enanthate. Although half lives and active life periods are different, they are similar. Injections are normally less frequent for cypionate. Testosterone is the king of all mass builders and for this purpose is also fairly cost effective. It works well either alone or stacked to create a great bulking cycle. It has a high risk of side effects due to its conversion to DHT and has the potential to form estrogen, causing gynecomastia. These characteristics also cause it to have such excellent mass building tendencies. Due to some other side effects, such as water retention, it may not be the best used alone for lean mass gains, but with bulking comes the addition of a lot of muscle as well as some gains in fat and water weight. This is typical and a natural part of the enhanced bodybuilder's bulking regiment.

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