Peptide PEG-MGF

Peptide PEG-MGF

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25 August 2018
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Product Description

Peptide PEG-MGF
Wholesale 99% Assay Peptides Peg-Mgf 2 Mg/Vial for Bodybuliding

Basic Info:
Model NO.: PEG MGF, 2mg/vial
Purity: >99%
Categories: Peptide and Human Growth Steriod
Specifications: 2mg/Bottle
Trademark: WuMeiTech
Character: White or Almost White Crystalline Powder


PEG-MGF Useful for: Site-enhancement and systematic purposes through increased lean muscle and fat loss
PEG-MGF Possible Benefits: PEG-MGF stimulates muscle growth (hypertrophy); increases the rate of muscle growth from training; rapid repair of existing muscle cells; increases in the number of muscle cells (hyperplasia); reduces protein breakdown; increases the rate & extent of muscle repair after injury
Consumption Method 1: Localized injection directly into the muscle immediately post-workout
Consumption Method 2: Subcutaneous injection into layer of fat
Preparation for Injection: Add 1ml (100 IU) of sterile solution to the PEG-MGF vial. Every 200mcg is then equal to 0.1ml (10 IU).
PEG-MGF Dosage 1: 200mcg (10 IU) of PEG-MGF split bilaterally between muscles just trained i.e. 100mcg left side, 100mcg right side
PEG-MGF Dosage 2: 200mcg (10 IU) of PEG-MGF is to be injected into abdominal fat
PEG-MGF Doses per Vial: 10 x 200mcg doses (10 doses per vial)

What is PEG MGF (pegylated mechano growh fact)?

MGF that’s pegylated, which means it has the addition of Polyethylene glycol - a non toxic additive that increased the half life of MGF from minutes to hours. This means its uses and versatility make it a tremendous addition to a bodybuilders arsenal. I have found it most effective, as its effects are systematic, that means they have a whole body effect wherever muscle has been damaged or is diseased.

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