
Melanotan II

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15 January 2018
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Product Description

Melanotan II is a cosmetic product that stimulates a natural increase in melanin production. Melanin is the main determinant of skin color in humans, a brown pigment which causes skin to become darker in appearance, instead of red, when exposed to UV rays. Users of Melanotan II develop a gradual, natural looking tan with minimal sun exposure. It is particularly useful for fair-skinned individuals who find that they cannot tan simply by spending time in the sun; however, excellent cosmetic tanning results are achieved by all skin types.

In bodybuilding, especially at the competitive level, everything is taken into consideration even the darkness of your tan. Therefore, it’s best you use a peptide like M2 for tanning instead of going to the tanning bed every day. Remember guy, tanning beds cause cancer!
If you don’t compete, but still want to maintain an even tan this upcoming spring/summer, then Melnaotan II is the best peptide to work into your protocol. Its added effects of sexual arousal and fat loss are welcome benefits for users who want to have that summer beach body. After all, what good is a buff tanned body if you can’t get it up.

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