Lime Kiln Suppliers/Active Lime Production Line/Rotary Kiln

Lime Kiln Suppliers/Active Lime Production Line/Rotary Kiln

Place of origin:
North Section of Dongfang Road,Mazhai Industrial Park,Zhengzhou City,China
Model Number:
ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011: 2000
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China ($123.00)
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01 July 2013
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Product Description

Rotary kiln is refer to rotate calcination kiln, belongs to construction material equipment. Rotary kiln can be divided into cement kiln, metallurgy chemical kiln and lime kiln according to different materials. Cement kiln is used for making of cement clinker and there are dry and wet methods to make cement. Metallurgy chemical kiln is used in metallurgy industry and ironworks for lean iron ore, chromium ore and ferronickel ore calcination, which is used for calcining of high aluminum vandal ochre in refractory material industry; for calcining of calotte and aluminum hydroxide in aluminum manufacturer; for calcining of chrome sand ore and chrome powder ore in chemical plant. Lime kiln are used for calcine dolomite and active lime which is used in steel plant and ferroalloy factory.
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