Methenolone Acetate
CAS NO.: 434-05-9
Chemical Name: 1(5alpha)-androsten-1beta-methyl-17beta-ol-3-one Acetate
Chemical Formula: C22H32O3
Description: white or off-white crystalline powder
Specification: Enterprise standard
Steroid Powders >> Methenolone Powders >> Methenolone Acetate Powder
Primobolan Methenolone Acetate Steroid Powder
Methenolone Acetate (Primobolan) is a very safe cutting steroid, those who buy Primobolan will find it to be slightly more potent than Anavar but less potent than Winstrol; Methenolone Acetate is one of the safest steroids for female use and many female physique athletes buy Primobolan on a regular basis.
Data of Methenolone Acetate Powder:
Methenolone Acetate Alias: Primobolan Powder
Methenolone Acetate CAS ID: 434-05-9
Methenolone Acetate Purity: 99.26% by HPLC
Methenolone Acetate Melting point: 141-143°C
Methenolone Acetate Appearance: white or off-white crystalline powder.
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