CAS 431579-34-9 YK-11

CAS 431579-34-9 YK-11

ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011: 2000
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03 August 2018
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Product Description


SARM YK-11 is one of the most powerful S.A.R.M.S (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) on the market today. It is used to achieve Anabolic Steroid type results, but without the negative side effects and legality issues.This particular SARM “YK-11” is for helping the user Gain Lean Muscle Tissue and Lose Fat simultaneously.

YK11 will have similar affects to DHT (possibly more potent) without the negatives of DHT. What this means is that the product will most likely be suppressive and require a post cycle, but not cycle support. It also won't have androgenic side affects like hair loss, acne, etc. The increase in follistatin caused by YK11 will act as an antagonist to mystatin (it will block myostatin) as well as the anabolic growth properties of YK11.

YK11 shows a lot of promise as an apt anabolic SARM. With the muscle growth potential it brings, it’s as effective as anabolic steroids and prohormones without the unwanted side effects connected to the latter.SARM YK-11 is a powerful SARM supplement promoting massive lean muscle gains which is a great benefit for those wanting to have an aesthetic and shredded physique!

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