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25 August 2018
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Product Description

Product name: Methasteron(Methyl drostanolone )
Synonym: Superdrol;17a-Methyl-Drostanolone,
CAS : 3381-88-2
Assay: 98%
Molecular Formula: C21H34O2
Molecular Weight: 318.4935
Appearance: White or white crystalline powder

Superdrol is an anabolic substance, meaning it promotes protein synthesis, and thus muscle strength. When muscles become stronger, they grow. Ultimately, Superdrol users experience large gains in muscle mass because their muscles become much stronger.
Another advantage to using Superdrol is that it does not turn into estrogen. Many prohormones available start out as a testosterone-like substance in the body, but then eventually turn into estrogen through a process called aromatization. Estrogen causes decreased strength, muscle loss and fat gain. Thus, it is a promoter of the exact opposite traits someone who is taking Superdrol would want. These characteristics arise after one stops taking the compound. With Superdrol, however, the aromatization process never starts. The compound does not turn into estrogen in the body, meaning much of the muscle gain and fat loss one experienced while taking it will remain after dosing concludes.

Hot wholesale anabolic steroid, SERM.
1 Oxymetholone / Anadrol / Anapolon
2 Stanozolol / Winstrol
3 Oxandrolone/Anavar
4 Methandrostenolone/Dianabol

5 Trenbolone acetate/ Finaject
6 Trenbolone enanthate
7 Methenolone acetate/ Primobolan
8 Metenolone enanthate/ Primobolan Depot
9 Drostanolone Propionate/ Masteron
10 Drostanolone enanthate/ Masteron Enanthate

11 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (oral turinabol)
12 Testosterone Blend/ Sustanon / Omnadren
13 Testosterone
14 Testosterone enanthate/ Delatestryl
15 Testosterone acetate
16 Testosterone phenylpropionate / TPP
17 Testosterone cypionate/ Depot Testosterone
18 Testosterone propionate / Androlon
19 Testosterone decanoate
20 Testosterone isocaproate
21 Testosterone undecanoate/ Nebido
22 17-Methyl-testosterone / Metandren
23 Mestanolone/ Ermalone
24 Stanolone/ Andractim/DHT
25 Mesterolone/ Proviron
26 Fluoxymesterone/ Halotestin
27 Clostebol acetate/ Steranabol/Turinabol

28 Nandrolone Decanoate/ Deca Durabolin
29 Nandrolone Phenypropionate/ Durabolin
30 Boldenone Cypionate
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32 Finasteride
33 Tamoxifen citrate
34 Clomiphene citrate / Clomid
35 Exemestane / Aromasin
36 Anastrozole/ Arimidex
37 Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
38 Methyltrienolone / Metribolone / MT
39 Methyldrostanolone / Superdrol / Methasteron

Methyldrostanolone / Superdrol / Methasteron
Popular Specific Anabolic steroid
Methyldrostanolone steroid raws
Superdrol oil liquid
Methasteron bodybuilding
Get high hard muscle

contacts: Carter
E-mail: carter@wumeitech.com
Mob: +8618902875762

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