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WORMSKING 10LB Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae, More Calcium Than Dried Mealworms, High Protein Chicken Feed, Poultry Treat

WORMSKING 10LB Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae, More Calcium Than Dried Mealworms, High Protein Chicken Feed, Poultry Treat (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

High Protein Treats- Protein ratio for bsf larvae is approximately 41%, which is more than twice that of traditional chicken feed. Pamper your birds with the nutritious WORMSKING black soldier worms, you won’t regret it!High in Calcium- BSFL has more calcium, around 80-85X mealworms, which can help hens lay eggs with stronger eggshells. For baby chicks, you can feed them with BSFL till they reach a few weeks old, and make sure that the worms are crushed or chopped so as for them to take in properly.Boosts Immune System & Improves Health- The WORMSKING BSFL is rich in protein and other essential nutrients that will boost animal’s immune system and improve their health. Help chickens or birds re-grow feather quickly when they are going through molting.Additive-free - Net weight: 10 pounds. Shelf Life: 2 years. Store it somewhere that is dry. Recommended for: poultry, bird, reptile, hamster, pitcher plant, fish, hedgehogs. Only for animals, not for human consumption.Sustainable Feed?Black Soldier Fly Larvae are fed on food waste, converting recycling food waste into edible food source for animals. When feeding your pets with BSFL, you are feeding the future, helping in making our planet a bit better.

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