Product Description
???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????: TREEKOTE grafting wax helps to seal the grafted area to keep moisture in. TREEKOTE grafting wax accelerates the healing of grafts while reducing water and nutrient loss from the trimmed area. This is essential for ensuring the success of your grafting project.???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????: This grafting wax protects grafts from moisture damage, which can lead to rot and graft failure. Once the graft begins to grow, the wax will crack and fall off naturally.???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????: This grafting wax helps to develop the formation of a strong graft union, which is necessary for the long-term success of the graft. TREEKOTE grafting wax will harden once applied, keeping grafts in place and preventing foreign objects that could disrupt the healing process.SUITABLE FOR ORGANIC USE: Made from all natural ingredients at our factory outside of Buffalo NY, grafting wax is suitable for organic use. You can apply with or without heating but we recommend warming the tins in warm water (not boiling) to soften the grafting before use.???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????: Every tin of Grafting Wax is made in the USA with all natural materials.