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SeedsUP - 3+ Ornamental Banana Exotic (Dwarf Indoor Plant) Edible - Tree Green

SeedsUP - 3+ Ornamental Banana Exotic (Dwarf Indoor Plant) Edible - Tree Green (Amazon Associate)

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$8.93 (2.98
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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

Our Seeds are 100% non-GMO & 100% Pure that are packed in a dense and waterproof package to avoid damage during shipping to youYou can expect a high germination rate of about 75 to 100 %. However, seed germination and seedling establishment are highly sensitive to the soil moisture conditions. Also, you will want to use organic soil to increase germination successMost of our seeds are heirloom, but you can find hybrid seeds if you are tired of growing issues. Our seeds and plants range from small to large, from early to late season, from dwarf to giant, from climbing to hanging, from hot to sweet, and/or from rare to unique that can be planted in greenhouses, indoors or outdoorsPlanting instructions are detailed so that even if you are not an experienced gardener you can still expect good results. We provide you with the instructions on how to prepare the seeds for sprouting, the planting depth, plant spacing and other important tips on how to grow and care for plantsWe are available 24/7 if you will have any issues regarding the product, because we care about each customer and provide the best customer service with 100% satisfaction

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