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Power Rangers Dino Fury Megazord Mega Pack 5-Pack Zord Action Figure Toys for Kids Ages 4 and Up (Amazon Exclusive)

Power Rangers Dino Fury Megazord Mega Pack 5-Pack Zord Action Figure Toys for Kids Ages 4 and Up (Amazon Exclusive) (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

ZORD LINK BUILD SYSTEM: With the Zord Link system kids can combine Zord figures to create the Megazord formations they what they seen in the series and also experiment to build their ownINCLUDES ALL 5 CORE ZORDS INSIPIRED BY POWER RANGERS DINO FURY: The Zords of the 5 core Dino Fury Rangers in one packDINO FURY KEYS COMPATIBLE WITH DINO FURY MORPHER: The included Red, Blue, Pink, Green, and Black Dino Fury keys can be used with the Dino Fury Morpher to unlock sounds (Morpher sold separately. Subject to availability.)COMBINE ZORD LINK SYSTEM FIGURES TO BUILD THE DINO FURY MEGAZORD: The Dino Fury Megazord is made up of the T-Rex Champion Zord, Tiger Claw Zord, Ankylo Hammer Zord, Tricera Blade Zord, and Stego Spike ZordLOOK FOR OTHER POWER RANGERS TOYS: Including Dino Fury figures and roleplay toys, and more. Each sold separately. Subject to availability

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