Product Description
for growers looking for a warm weather loving fruit cultivar the flordaKing peach tree is the perfect choice. this fruit tree produces sweet peaches and tolerates warm humid environmentsgrow your own peaches; with the flordaKing you can grow your own harvest of sweet peaches right in your own front yard without the need for a second pollinator. peaches from this tree often ripen in maylow chill hours; the flordaKing requires only 350 chill hours to produce fruit, this can be achieved in the warmest regions with an average fall and winter season. this tree grows well in hardiness zones 8 and 9beautiful flowers; this fruit tree also acts as a wonderful ornamental piece with its colorful blooms in the spring and its attractive green foliage. flowers from this tree are a delightful pink colorflordaKing peach trees can grow to a mature size of 12-15 feet high and wide, making them a relatively small fruit bearing plant