Product Description
ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS FOR A HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIFESTYLE: Balanced protein, fat, and carbohydrates provide energy for daily function and performanceSUPPORTS IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH: Made with antioxidants & prebiotics to support the immune system health of your adult ratPERFECT FOR PICKY EATERS: Uniform kibble prevents selective feedingFORTIFIED FOOD: Fortified with vitamins and minerals for optimum healthVETERINARIAN RECOMMENDED: Formulated with the guidance of top veterinarians and nutritionistsFEEDING INSTRUCTIONS: Adult Rats (over 4 months) Unlimited pellets daily. It is recommended to feed a limited amount of appropriate vegetables and fresh fruits in addition to unlimited grass hay for foraging and nesting.COMPLEMENT BY ADDING OXBOW GRASS HAY: Offer fresh grass hay to support your pet's burrowing and nesting instincts.