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Organic Plant Magic - Truly Organic™ Fast-Acting Water Soluble Plant Food - All-Purpose Fertilizer Concentrate for Flower, Vegetable, Herb, Fruit Tree, Garden & Indoor Houseplants [One 1/2 lb Bag]

Organic Plant Magic - Truly Organic™ Fast-Acting Water Soluble Plant Food - All-Purpose Fertilizer Concentrate for Flower, Vegetable, Herb, Fruit Tree, Garden & Indoor Houseplants [One 1/2 lb Bag] (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

New Package - Same Amazing Product that Plants & Customers LOVE!EASY & ALL PURPOSE - Simply grow healthy plants and beautiful gardens... Just add directly to seed, soil, transplant roots, existing plants, or mix with normal watering. Works for everyone, every plant, everywhere, every time!A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY - 1/2 lb bag makes 32+ gallons or treats up to 1,000 sf of soil or plants. Provides benefits of compost and advanced nutrition that builds healthy nutritious living soil and feeds plants continuously on-demand.AMAZING GROWTH, COLOR, & FLAVOR - Empower your plants to express their full genetic potential. Get intense leaf, flower, fruit, veggie and herb production. Grow more vibrant color and flavor than ever before.BIOLOGY OVER CHEMICALS - This unique versatile powder is packed with every essential plant nutrient, plus 55+ trace minerals, amino acids, humic acids, kelp, and beneficial GroBiotics including mycorrhizae proven to provide everything your plants need to naturally grow their best!

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