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Hot Tub in-Line Replacement Chlorinê Cartridgê Compatible with Frog System, for use in Marquis, Caldera, and Hot Springs Spas,etc ; CYA Free, for up to 600 Gallons.No Cyanuric Acid,3-Pack

Hot Tub in-Line Replacement Chlorinê Cartridgê Compatible with Frog System, for use in Marquis, Caldera, and Hot Springs Spas,etc ; CYA Free, for up to 600 Gallons.No Cyanuric Acid,3-Pack (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

For use only in certain hot tub models: Artesian Elite, Artesian Island (optional on Artesian Island Elite and South Seas); Marquis Crown (optional on Marquis Elite, Vector and Celebrity); Caldera Vacanza; and Hot Spring Hot Spot and hot tubs up to 600 gallonsFor use only with Frog In-Line Mineral Cartridgê, both are prefilled for no mess, no guess and no stress.A patented chlorinê formula that adds a low level of chlorinê only when needed and combines with the Sanitizing Minerals, creating Fresh Mineral Water for continuous crystal clear water and peace of mind.The In-Line System uses up to 75% less chlorinê so it’s easier on skin, hair, swimsuits and your hot tub’s surfaces. Not only is the water wonderfully soft, but it is also odor freeWith the product, you shock only once a month, or when draining and refilling your hot tub – that’s so much easier than shocking after every use – it saves time and the frustration of constant shock treatment

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