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Fruits Seed Pod Kit for AeroGarden, Ahopegarden, iDoo, GARDENCUBE, MUFGA with Strawberry, Cucumber, Red/Golden Cherry Tomato, Compatible with All Indoor Hydroponics Growing System, 8-Pod

Fruits Seed Pod Kit for AeroGarden, Ahopegarden, iDoo, GARDENCUBE, MUFGA with Strawberry, Cucumber, Red/Golden Cherry Tomato, Compatible with All Indoor Hydroponics Growing System, 8-Pod (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

ALL YOUR NEEDS TO START GARDENING - The all-in-one hydroponic pod includes everything you'll need for an indoor herb garden: 4 types of mixed heirloom seeds(Common (Scentific Name):Red Strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa), Cucumber(Cucumis sativus), Red/Golden Cherry Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme A.Gray)), 8 grow sponges, 8 grow baskets, 8 grow domes, 8 foil stickers, and A&B plant foodHEIRLOOM & NON-GMO SEEDS MADE IN THE USA - All our seeds are grown and packaged in America. All seeds are organic, heirloom, and non-GMO. Our high germination seeds allow you to plant all year round, even in winter. Enjoy the fresh harvest of the fruits directly to your recipesCOMPATIBLE WITH ANY AEROGARDEN - With the unique design of the grow basket, the aero gardening pods is widely compatible with most brands of hydroponics growing system, such as AeroGarden, Ahopegarden, iDoo, GARDENCUBE, LETPOT, URUQ, MUFGA and so on. Note: This round pod kit is NOT suitable for the square-hole machinePREMIUM QUALITY GARDEN SUPPLY - The sponges are made of biological peat, which has an excellent air-to-water ratio, providing enough space for plant roots to develop. Hydroponic Plant Food A&B contains both macro and trace elements needed by plants, perfect for seedlings, vegetative growth and flowering. Baskets and domes are made of premium material to be washable and reusableUNIQUE GARDENING GIFTS FOR YOUR LOVERS - Sprout, grow, and harvest plants all by yourself, what a wonderful gardening experience without going out. It's a perfect gift idea for women, mum, friends, housewives, chefs, and vegetarians on Birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas

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