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Easy Peasy Liquid All Purpose Indoor Plant Food | 4-3-4 Nutrient Fertilizer for Indoor Potted Plants | Specifically Formulated for Live Houseplants

Easy Peasy Liquid All Purpose Indoor Plant Food | 4-3-4 Nutrient Fertilizer for Indoor Potted Plants | Specifically Formulated for Live Houseplants (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

Indoor plant food specifically formulated for indoor potted plants. High concentrate plant fertilizer only take 1/2 teaspoon while watering your houseplants.Indoor plants especially house plants deserve plant food fertilizer that delivers nutrients that matter to the health of your plants. Our high concentrate 4-3-4 lasts much longer than other productWe use the highest quality ingredients to produce this liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. This house plant fertilizer contains a balanced 4-3-4 nutrient blend.Easy to use 1 teaspoon of Easy Peasy Indoor Plant Food with a minimum of 2 cups of water will provide enough house plant fertilizer for many live houseplantsREDUCE WASTE: Easy Peasy Plants Indoor Plant Food high concentrate indoor plant food provides indoor plant fertilizer for more houseplants than any other competitor

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