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Clyde's Garden Planner - Clyde's Vegetable Planting Slide Chart

Clyde's Garden Planner - Clyde's Vegetable Planting Slide Chart (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

Chart Provides Both Indoor and Outdoor Seeding Dates for 22 Commonly Grown Garden Veggies, (Chart Size = 51/8" x 81/2", 12 Point Cardstock Paper).Comes with listing of Local Spring & Fall Frost Dates, USA and Canada (Has a Sliding Frost Line)Gives Seed Quantity, Seeding Dimensions: Planting Depths, Distance Between Rows & Between Plants, Essential Tool for any Gardener, and for Homesteading!Includes a Companion Planting Guide, Sunlight Requirements, Min. Soil Temps, Expected Yield. Over 1/2 Million, (500,000) Sold! Get (3), One for Planning, One to put with tools and seeds, and One for a Friend! Note:Chart is less useful in Southern California, South Florida and South Texas where frost is not a critical gardening factor..

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