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Birkin Philodendron in 6 Inch Pot for Indoor Plants Live Houseplants, Office Plants, Easy Plant Gift, Philodendron Plant Live Plants Indoor Plants Live House Plants Live Plant Decor by Plants for Pets

Birkin Philodendron in 6 Inch Pot for Indoor Plants Live Houseplants, Office Plants, Easy Plant Gift, Philodendron Plant Live Plants Indoor Plants Live House Plants Live Plant Decor by Plants for Pets (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

REAL BIRKIN PHILODENDRON PLANT: Now’s the time to add this live philodendron plant to your collection of live indoor house plants. Your live plant will arrive in a 6” nursery pot, ready to display.EASY PLANT DECOR: You’ll love our easy to grow house plants that clean the air in your home. These easy house plants are among the most beloved live indoor plants (and low light indoor plants!) and are among the best plant decor for bedroom spaces and beyond.POPULAR PHILODENDRON PLANTS: This easy indoor plant complements acclaimed varieties like the pink princess Philodendron, neon Philodendron, prince of orange Philodendron and Philodendron micans. It’s the perfect plant gift for your kindred plant enthusiasts, too.LOW LIGHT HOUSE PLANTS: Grow this delightfully easy indoor plant with other low light plants in your home or as an office plant to bring any space to life. This house plant flourishes in bright, indirect light but is a tolerant low light plant.ABOUT PLANTS FOR PETS: Plants and animals make everything better, from simply raising our spirits to enriching our everyday lives. That’s why a portion of every purchase is directed to our mission to help place shelter animals in happy homes.

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