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Big Green Leaves | Superfood Houseplant Fertilizer, Indoor Plants - Water Soluble Plant Food + Organic Kelp | 4X More Concentrated | 12-4-8 NPK (1LB)

Big Green Leaves | Superfood Houseplant Fertilizer, Indoor Plants - Water Soluble Plant Food + Organic Kelp | 4X More Concentrated | 12-4-8 NPK (1LB) (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

THE ULTIMATE PLANT FOOD FOR HOUSEPLANTS: Wake up your slow growing or dull house plants with Big Green Leaves, a high nitrogen fertilizer for all indoor plants. It feeds soil microbes, roots and leaves. It promotes fuller, greener, more vibrant leaf growth and good soil health.GENTLE FERTILIZER & SAFE FOR CONSTANT USE. Our Big Green Leaves plant food is loaded with naturally occuring vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, auxins, and cytokinins for vibrant, vigorous, happy houseplants. Urea free formula. Won't ever burn your plants.EASY APPLICATION. Pre-measured scoop included. Mix 1-2 scoops (tsp) per gallon of water. One pouch delivers up to 88 gallons of nutrient solution. Resealable bag for clean, dry storage that will outlast any liquid plant food.BETTER VALUE THAN LIQUID FERTILIZERS, SPIKES, AND TABLETS. Most houseplant fertilizers only provide 3 basic minerals at low quantity. Plus they can smell or spoil quickly! Big Green Leaves is loaded with essential superfood nutrients (minerals, vitamins, amino acids, organic biological compounds). Our concentrated 12-4-8 NPK plus organically-bonded micro-nutrients and botanical seaweed extract and organic kelp stay dry, stable, and fresh in our resealable pouch.VERSATILE. Use as a soil drench, foliar feed, or hydroponic. An ideal plant food for potted plants, indoor houseplants, grow bags, soilless media, LECA, potting soil, & container gardens. Also great for accelerating plant propagations.INDOOR PLANT FERTILIZER. Perfect for all leafy tropical houseplants: Ferns, Monstera, Phildendron, Ficus, ZZ plant, Croton, Pothos (Devil's Ivy), Dracaena, Aloe, Snake Plant, Peace Lily, Majesty Palm, Parlor Palm, Pilea, Hoya, Caltheas, "String of" plants, and more.QUALITY. Inspected ingredients and manufacturing, Made in USA to California standards. Environmentally friendly, plant food with no chlorides, no carbonates, and no sodium. Third party tested. Watch your houseplants grow with Bless Your Soil.

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