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Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Organs (Desiccated) — Liver, Heart, Kidney, Pancreas, Spleen (180 Capsules)

Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Organs (Desiccated) — Liver, Heart, Kidney, Pancreas, Spleen (180 Capsules) (Amazon Associate)

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$48.00 (0.27
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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

"GRASS FED LIVER (600MG) provides nature s most nutrient dense superfood. Liver is the only meaningful source of natural vitamin A (rich in heme iron and B12). Supports optimal liver health and energy demands. GRASS FED HEART (600MG) is the richest source of naturally occurring coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Supports optimal heart health, regulates blood pressure and is a nutritional powerhouse for mitochondria. GRASS FED KIDNEY (600MG) is a potent bio-available source of naturally occurring selenium and B12. Supports strong kidney health, aids in detoxification pathways and the antioxidant defense system, bolsters immunity. GRASS FED PANCREAS (600MG) provides nature s all natural source of enzymes. Supports a strong functioning pancreas, supports blood sugar signaling and contributes an abundance of key enzymes for optimal digestion, health and wellness. We are not what we eat... we are what we digest. GRASS FED SPLEEN (600MG) is nature s most concentrated source of heme iron. Supports a strong immune response and aids in the metabolic health of our blood cells... Well known for it s ability to build blood. "

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