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6.6FT Electric Fence Wire Connectors Jumper Leads Cable with Alligator Clips Electric Fence Charger for Solar Fence Charger, Electric Fence Tester,Wire Copper Fencing, Energizer Connector, 2PCS

6.6FT Electric Fence Wire Connectors Jumper Leads Cable with Alligator Clips Electric Fence Charger for Solar Fence Charger, Electric Fence Tester,Wire Copper Fencing, Energizer Connector, 2PCS (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

Electric Fence Charger Kit: Jumper lead cables feature alligator clips with sturdy serrated teeth and springs for excellent clamping force. Commonly used for temporary battery connection, electrical testing, power and grounding systems. Single electric fence wire is approximately 6.6Ft/200cm=13AWSafety & Durability: Electric fence connectors made of 13AWG highly conductive tinned copper wire wrapped in fire-resistant PVC insulation with a melting point of 105°C are resistant to heat, freezing, and cracking. The thickened insulation coating is abrasion resistant and minimizes the risk of electric shockDefense & Protection: The solar fence charger wire connector securely connects to the farm fence line, acting as a protection internally and a defensive role externally. Ensures that crops and garden plants within the safe and fixed fence are trampled and prevents livestock, poultry and pets from wandering off. Keeps out squirrels, foxes, deer, skunks, raccoons and other wildlife. The fence jumper connects to the grid and is designed for long-term use on outdoor farmsWidely Applicable: The electric fence jumper cables can be used for electric fence energizer, solar energizer, solar electric fence charger, poultry electric fence, hot wire fence, electric fence accessories. They are also jumper cables for car starting cars with low battery power, used as a jumper cable for starting dead or low battery batteries for small/compact cars. Because jumper cables come with alligator clips and perforated terminal test lead cable connectors, they are suitable for all electrical testing and electronic applicationsUsage Guide: Red clips are typically used for positive (+) and black clips for negative (-). Red alligator clips may be used to connect to the positive terminal of a power source for fence wire. Black alligator clip wires are used to connect to the grounding system for safety grounding.The electric fence jumper cables will be perfect for connecting the electric fence energizer to ground system and fence wire.

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