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3qt Organic Orchid Potting Bark -Natural Mulch for Potted Plants, Root Development of Orchid Plants and Garden Soil Amendment Mix

3qt Organic Orchid Potting Bark -Natural Mulch for Potted Plants, Root Development of Orchid Plants and Garden Soil Amendment Mix (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

?????Capacity?You will get 3 quarts of orchid bark to mulch your plants. Bark as a soil mulch with perlite nutrient soil is the perfect substrate.?????100% Natural?the size of bark chips about 1/2" to 1" ?they are made form the shredded bark of pine trees, its 100% organic material and the ideal potting medium for orchids.?????Plant Root Protection? Pine bark is has a lot of voids to allow air flow ?increase oxygen, Provides Drainage?which is very friendly to orchid root growth.????? Organic Material?Pine bark can be used as an organic fertilizer to provide nutrients for plant growth.?????ABOUT US?Provides quality products and efficient after-sales service.If you're not satisfied with our products,please contact us, we will provide you with a solution as soon as possible.

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