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20+ Mandarin Orange Tree Seeds Dwarf Edible Fruit Citrus Fruit Plant Outdoor Plants Bonsai

20+ Mandarin Orange Tree Seeds Dwarf Edible Fruit Citrus Fruit Plant Outdoor Plants Bonsai (Amazon Associate)

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United State
16 June 2009
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Product Description

20+ Mandarin Orange Tree Seeds Dwarf Edible Fruit Citrus Fruit Plant Outdoor Plants Bonsai; USDA Zone: 6-11Citrus reticulata Blanco is commonly referred to as Mandarin Orange Tree. Mandarin fruit are smaller and less spherical than normal oranges. They are also easier to peel and not as acidic.Usually peeled and eaten fresh by itself, in salads, or in desserts. Juice and frozen concentrate is a very desired drink in various parts of the world, including the United States.Commonly peeled and canned. Peel is used as orange zest, or dried and used in candy, tea, oils, air fresheners, deodorizer, bath powder, and as a citrus cleaner.Tree is drought tolerant, but the fruit can be damaged by extreme heat. The entire plant is not hardy to cold, so it adapts to indoor conditions well.

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